By law, you are required to have car insurance in most states in America. Realistically, car insurance can be useful if your car needs to go for dent repair or hail repair. If you’re being blamed for a car accident, car insurance can help you cover the other person’s medical bills and the cost of any damages to their vehicle. It can also help you pay legal fee in case you need a lawyer.
But with that being said – there are many different kinds of car insurance providers. One of the most renowned car insurance providers is Geico, and at Sioux Falls dent repair, car insurance from Geico is accepted for paintless dent repair.
But why should you get car insurance from Geico?
Geico Insurance – Why Do You Need It?
Because Geico is such a renowned car insurance brand across America, many car repair services accept it if you’re looking for a car repair. Moreover, if you’re opting for Geico’s car insurance, you can also use their website or mobile application to understand their services a lot better. This is certainly something tech savvy users would appreciate.
After being founded in 1936 by a married couple, Geico has grown to become America’s second-largest insurance brand. Geico is known primarily for its economical rates that are offered to customers directly. If you’re looking for an affordable car insurance policy – Geico can be the way to go.
Understanding Car Insurance
The insurance policy of your car has multiple coverages that can give you protection in a variety of situations. Different coverages have different limits and they may also have some deductibles. If you’re looking for coverage, you can also acquire it from a lender. To better understand what your policy entails, here are the few terms you should be familiar of:
- Coverage: the benefits and the protection that are provided to you
- Limits: the maximum protection you can avail with a specific type of coverage
- Policy: the contract that exists between you and your insurance company
- Premium: the price of your insurance policy
- Deductible: the part that you’ll have to pay out of your pocket when you’re filing a claim
Types of Car Insurance Coverages
Liability Coverages
- Bodily Injury Liability: this type of liability can pay for the injuries that have occurred in an accident in which the person claiming insurance is at fault.
- Property Liability: when you’re paying for a person’s property because damage occurred and you are the person to blame.
Medical Coverages
- Medical Payments Coverage: can pay for the injuries that you sustain during a car accident
- Personal Injury Coverage: this type of coverage can pay for your medical bill, the wages you’ve lost due to your injury, and any accident-related expenses regardless of who was the reason for the accident.
Avail Insurance at Sioux Falls Dent Repair
After a free damage assessment, our certified technicians can help explain how much of your car is damaged and how long it will take for the repair. In most cases, PDR can be done on the same day the car comes to our shop.
If you’re interested in dent repair, contact us today or call us for a free damage assessment.