PDR Accessories For Dent Removals

by | Apr 20, 2021 | Instagram Live, Tool Review

PDR Accessories For Dent Removals

In today’s video, we look at some of the tools that we use here at Sioux Falls Dent Repair to keep panels partially opened while we work on the damage.

We used the first tool on the Mazda we repaired a few days ago and kept the door opened so that we could get the dent out without having to remove the door itself. It is called the Anson PDR Door Jammer and is designed by Derek Yost. The Door Jammer is lightweight, made from aluminum, and is great for holding panels open.

The next tool we have is a Hood Prop-N-Lock from B and D Tools but can be used on doors and other panels quite easily. One of the best things about this tool is that it can be extended for a more versatile repair experience. The Hood Prop-N-Lock is especially great for lift gate assemblies without having to remove them completely.

Finally, we have the Tailgator from B and D Tools once again. This is one of the best tool to partially open a tailgate and keep it open firmly so that we can gain access and get the damage out successfully.

All the tools we’ve just seen are available on AnsonPDR.com as well as BandDTools.net.




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