Why You Shouldn’t Try Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Yourself

Why You Shouldn’t Try Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Yourself

Why You Shouldn’t Try Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) Yourself

Dents and dings are par for the course as far as automobile repair is concerned. Maybe, you accidentally drove your car a little too close to another, resulting in a dent; this is where Paintless Dent Repair (PDR) comes in. It is an easy and cost-effective way to fix the dent in your vehicle.


Many people and products will have you believe that you can do this on your own, but you shouldn’t, and here is why.

Why Is It Important Not to Repair Dents on Your Car by Yourself?

Many companies that sell dent repair kits have you believe that buying such kits will lead to perfect results. That’s not always the case because even if the kits are great, you are limited in your expertise. Instead, you might consider going to the certified technicians in Sioux falls.


Firstly, trying to fix the dent on your own might be the right one. A car-owner often has no idea what kind of kit would work with the dent they are dealing with and might ruin the job. That’s money and effort down the drain.


Moreover, most kits you would buy are generally made to be used inside the car panel as opposed to on the surface, and this means having to open up the panel and getting inside. This move is quite risky. Anything can go wrong, so why would you bother?


Why a Car-Owner Shouldn’t Attempt to Repair Their Dents and Dings by Themselves?


  • It could increase the damage

You’re not an expert and don’t understand how the mechanics of the process works. You could just end up increasing the damage

  • It could cost you more money

If you’ve attempted to do it via a kit and it still doesn’t work out. You now have to pay a professional to do it, and the money you spent on the kit has also been wasted.

  • It could cost you more time

PDR is so popular because it costs you a fraction of time and money to get it done by a professional. Trying to do it on your own is just going to waste your time as you attempt to do it and take you longer in an auto-repair shop.


Benefits of Using Paintless Dent Repair


There are many benefits of getting a Paintless Dent repair job done. Some of them are listed below:

  • It costs you a fraction of time and money

Paintless dent repair takes less time for certified technicians to make, and they are likely to charge you less for it.

  • It is environmentally friendly

PDR doesn’t use any toxic chemicals or paint, as the name suggests, and will not pollute the air.

  • It allows for value retention

PDR doesn’t involve body filler or repainting, which means that it is likely that PDR will not affect the value of your vehicle.


So if you have a dent in your car in South Dakota and unsure if it is a good candidate for paintless dent repair, contact Sioux Falls Dent Repair for a free estimate at https://siouxfallsdentrepair.com/. Our certified PDR technicians are ready to serve you. 


The Importance of Lighting for PDR Estimates

The Importance of Lighting for PDR Estimates

The Importance of Lighting for PDR Estimates


We can often get into car accidents without understanding the degree of damage in the dark. Car accidents happen all the time. However, they’re more likely to occur when one of our senses is handicapped, as is often the case for drivers driving in the dark. How often have you looked at dents the next day and understood that the minor scrape wasn’t so minor after all?


Lighting changes our perception of dents and dings to a great degree. Thus, it’s always essential that you have a nice long look at your dent or ding after it shows up on your vehicle’s body. Sometimes, you may not even notice all the dents and dings on your car’s body. These small damages happen more often if your car’s color is lighter, for example,  if it’s white or pale pink. However, just like with everything else, it’s good to have a little perspective with car dents.

Thus, even if you think the dent that your car incurred is only minor, you should still bring your car into the auto shop and have someone else look at it. You’d be surprised by how many dents pop up under proper lighting.

Why Is Lighting Important for Accurate PDR Estimates?

Even if you have very good eyesight, you can only see as much as the sunlight enables you to. Just because a dent is not visible doesn’t mean it’s not there. After a hail storm, you need to bring your car to a PDR technician. 

The PDR technician will look at your car under controlled lighting to identify where the issues are with the body. Controlled lighting brings about something that sunlight can’t, consistency. It lets the PDR technician see all the places in your body that the light bends in peculiar ways. The PDR technician is also trained to see abnormalities in the reflections of light, which you are not. Thus, they can see the dent and dings which you can’t see. 

Additionally, because of the reflection of the dents and dings, they can also see the degree and area of denting. Thus, a PDR technician has all the tools and techniques to give you a better estimate of your repair. 

Some PDR technicians also have special PDR lights, i.e., dedicated lights under which they conduct PDR. This method also brings about consistency. 

Why Is PDR the Best Method to Fix Your Car?

PDR has several advantages. We have listed some below:

1. It is covered by insurance companies

You won’t have to bring out your own money to fix any of the damages to the car. You’re likely to get your work done earlier if you don’t have to pay.

2. It saves your car from devaluation

PDR is paintless, which means your car retains its original color and value.

3. It is environmentally friendly

It doesn’t release any paint vapors or harmful gases into the air.

Why Pick Sioux Falls Dent Repair? 

Here, at Sioux Falls Dent Repair, you will find many ARC-certified PDR technicians with years of expertise. They know how light bends and how to fix your dents and dings. Their main aim is to have you back in your car and on the road in no time. 

For more information on Paintless Dent Repair or to get a quote, please visit us at www.siouxfallsdentrepair.com.




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Do Dents and Dings on Vehicles Rust?

Do Dents and Dings on Vehicles Rust?

Do Dents and Dings on Vehicles Rust?


Dents and dings are a common occurrence on any vehicle’s body. If you drive a car, there are high chances that you have at least one dent or ding on it. Getting a dent on your car is common, and you shouldn’t leave that dent unattended. If you have a dent on your car’s body, you should check if the paint has cracked near that dent. In any case, you should take your car to the auto shop so they can fix it as soon as possible. 

If you let the dent or ding fester, it can turn into an even bigger problem, rust. If the paint isn’t cracked, you may think you have time, but you don’t. This little dent is now a tender spot on your car’s body. If it gets hit again, you’re going to face worse damage, and it will likely cost you a lot more money. Regardless of if the paint is cracked, a dent becomes the perfect place for water to settle and seep into the metal of your body. If the paint is cracked, the seepage is common, and rust damage can occur more quickly. With dents and dings, water has an inlet to otherwise protected metal, and this can lead to rusting.

Consequences of Rust Damage

Rust damage occurs when your leave your dents unattended and unfixed for too long. The following are some of the consequences which may happen as a result:

1. It will cost you more money

If you’re going to fix your dents immediately after the damage is done, there’s no room for rust damage. You can likely fix your car using PDR, which is cheaper. With rust damage, you’ll have to strip off the entire metallic layer, which will cost you a lot of money.

2. It will devalue your car

Once your car has rust damage, you’ll have to replace the entire metal sheet of your car. Not having the original metal from the manufacturer will reduce the resale value when the time comes.

3. Your car becomes unsafe

If you have rust damage on any part of your car’s body, that part is unstable and can give out at any time. It’s dangerous for you and your family.

What Is PDR? Why Do Customers Prefer it? 

PDR or paintless dent repair is a non-invasive method of fixing minor dents without using paint or any extra filler. Many certified technicians prefer it as it’s a convenient way to get rid of minor dents. Customers prefer PDR due to several reasons. It’s very cost-efficient, which means you can save money. It isn’t time-consuming, and it’s environmentally friendly compared to other methods of vehicle repair. 

Why Should You Come to Sioux Falls Dent Repair? 

At the Sioux Falls Dent Repair shop, we have ARC-certified technicians who have years of expertise in PDR. We also deal with rust damage and provide you with a holistic evaluation. Our number one priority is customer satisfaction and making sure that you have a great experience. We even start you off with a free consultation and quote, so you’re the one in charge of your car’s repairs. 

For more information on Paintless Dent Repair or to get a quote, please visit us at www.siouxfallsdentrepair.com