What Are Some Downsides To Having A Body Shop Fix Your Dents?

What Are Some Downsides To Having A Body Shop Fix Your Dents?

Here are some downsides to having a body shop fix your dents:

  1. Cost:

    The cost of repairing dents at a body shop can be quite high, especially if the damage is extensive. The repair cost may include labor charges, replacement parts, and other miscellaneous expenses.

  2. Time:

    The repair process can take a considerable amount of time, depending on the severity of the damage. This means that you may have to go without your car for several days, or even weeks, while it is being repaired.

  3. Quality of Work:

    The quality of work done by body shops can vary widely. Some shops may not have the necessary skills or equipment to do a good job, which could result in subpar repairs.

  4. Paint Color Match:

    If your car has a custom paint job, tri coat or pearl coat or a rare color, it may be difficult for a body shop to match the paint exactly. This can result in a noticeable difference in color between the repaired area and the rest of the car.

  5. Hidden Damage:

    Sometimes, there may be hidden damage that is not immediately visible, and a body shop may not discover it until they start the repair process. This can result in additional costs and delays, this is actually very normal because there are so many parts and pieces in todays vehicle the full estimate cannot be wrote up until the vehicle is completely disassembled.

  6. Insurance:

    If you are filing an insurance claim to cover the cost of the repairs, your insurance company may require you to use a specific body shop for your first estimate or inspection, they may only cover a portion of the repair costs if taken to another shop for repairs that is not in their network. This is not necessarily a bad thing, often times in order to become a “certified” insurance shop you have to abide by the insurance pricing guidelines and rules. This can often times leave things to be left off of the repair bill in order to satisfy the insurance company. It is illegal for an insurance company to tell you that you HAVE to take the vehicle to a specific shop.

Top 5 Questions About Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)

Top 5 Questions About Paintless Dent Repair (PDR)

  1. What is paintless dent repair?

    Paintless dent repair (PDR) is a technique used to remove dents from a vehicle without the need for traditional bodywork methods. It involves using specialized tools to manipulate the metal back into its original shape without affecting the paint finish.

  2. How long does paintless dent repair take?

    The time it takes to complete paintless dent repair varies depending on the size and severity of the dent, as well as the location on the vehicle. Smaller dents may be fixed in just a few hours, while larger dents or those that require access to hard-to-reach areas may take longer.

  3. What types of dents can be fixed with paintless dent repair?

    Paintless dent repair is effective for most small to medium-sized dents, including dings caused by hail, door dings, and minor collisions. However, larger dents or those with paint damage may require traditional bodywork methods.

  4. Will paintless dent repair affect the resale value of my vehicle?

    No, paintless dent repair does not affect the resale value of your vehicle. In fact, it can often increase the value by restoring the appearance of the vehicle and preventing further damage.

  5. Is paintless dent repair covered by insurance?

    Many insurance policies cover paintless dent repair, especially for hail damage. However, it’s always best to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage and any applicable deductibles.

Do you have any other questions we may have not covered in this article, give us a call or CLICK HERE!

Sioux Falls Dent Repair Restores Hail Damage on Electric Vehicles

Sioux Falls Dent Repair Restores Hail Damage on Electric Vehicles

Getting unexpectedly caught in a hail storm can be a headache, especially if your car suffered major damage. Having unsightly dents all over your electric vehicle can be an eyesore, but it can also lower the value of your car.  So what should you do? Paintless dent repair, or PDR, is the best dent repair option when it comes to hail damage, more specifically, PDR from Sioux Falls Dent Repair if you live in South Dakota. 

Sioux Falls Dent Repair are IMI Certified to work on hybrid and electric cars. They can remove damage of all sizes including hail damage dents in your vehicle without the use of any painting or bondo like a traditional body shop, which makes them the best option to restore your electric vehicle such as a Tesla Model 3, Hyundai Ioniq, or Audi Q4 E-tron. 

Steps in Getting a Hail Damage Estimate

  • Contact Sioux Falls Dent Repair for an Estimate

Don’t waste your time in getting different bids to get your car fixed. Whoever you choose, its service people will work closely with your insurance company on the entire hail damage PDR process. So contact us for a FREE damage assessment and estimate – Sioux Falls Dent Repair.

  • Assessment
    The certified technician will assess your car and look for damage using special PDR UV lighting. This has to be done in person and not through pictures that you take. Seeing the car in person, the PDR specialist can show you the actual damage and let you know what you’re dealing with. 

  • How long do estimates take?

An initial estimate typically takes 20-45 minutes to write up. The initial estimate may not include
parts pricing because that process requires calling up your car dealership and getting part prices
and availability. This is typically done when you are getting the actual dent repair done and takes
around 30 minutes.

  • Why are insurance companies’ estimates always substantially lower than your costs?

Insurance company adjusters never get estimates right because they are not trained and don’t have the proper equipment or specialized PDR lighting to assess the hail damages; therefore, they tend to miss many of the dings on the vehicle. They may write up that there is about 10 dents, when in reality it may be closer to 50. This is a very common theme. 

  • The insurance company said I need to go to their approved or preferred shop. Can I still use you?

You can get an estimate for hail damage for your vehicle at any shop. If your insurance company
tells you that you can only go to their authorized shops or they won’t cover the repairs, know         
              that  this  tactic is called “steering”, which is illegal in South Dakota.

Most dent repair shops, including Sioux Falls Dent Repair, offer a lifetime warranty on repairs. We even offer you a written warranty card for peace of mind. As for additional costs, sometimes there is an element of negotiation with insurance companies, but it isn’t something that will cost you much in the long run.

If anything, preferred shops cut corners to save money for the insurance company, and this can mean poor results.


Why should someone take their vehicle to the Sioux Falls Dent Repair?

If you want accurate estimates for the hail damage sustained on your car, you need a professional PDR-certified technician to look at it  in person. Insurance companies will always underestimate the damage and compensate you accordingly.

Do not let them get away with your deserved compensations and “steer” you into insurance pitfalls. Get an estimate at  Sioux Falls Dent Repair today! If you want to learn more about hail damage repairs or about paintless dent repair with Sioux Falls Dent Repair, please visit our website.


5 Reasons Why Car Owners Love Sioux Falls Dent Repair

5 Reasons Why Car Owners Love Sioux Falls Dent Repair


Getting the dents and dings on your car or truck repaired in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is always a dreadful ordeal. You have to leave your car at the shop for days (even for the smallest dents and dings), it costs a fortune, and you are often not satisfied with the results.

The downtime and costs on their own are enough to repel anyone from repairs. However, Sioux Falls Dent Repair has changed much of that for Sioux Falls residents, thanks to their incredible paintless dent repair (PDR) services.

In this post, we will discuss five reasons why car owners love Sioux Falls Dent Repair.

5 Reasons Why Car Owners Love Sioux Falls Dent Repair

Here are just 5 of the many reasons why car owners love Sioux Falls Dent Repair.

  • Friendly Staff and Transparent Practices

Residents and car owners in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are always greeted with a smile and the friendliest, most helpful staff at Sioux Falls Dent Repair. Just ask any of their past customers, or check out their reviews, and you’ll find the same.

Moreover, they explain every aspect of your dent repair and customer experience to make sure you understand everything, including their transparent practices.

  • PDR Certified Technicians

Unlike many other PDR services, Sioux Falls Dent Repair only offers PDR-certified technicians with comprehensive PDR knowledge, training, and experience. Your vehicle is always in good hands.

  • Fair Pricing and Accurate Estimates

When it comes to dents and dings, PDR is less expensive than conventional dent repair methods because it does not use fillers or paint. However, while most PDR services use this to their advantage, Sioux Falls Dent Repair always gives fair pricing to their customers.

Not only this, but they offer the best estimates of dent repairs for your insurance provider, ensuring that the insurance company or their adjuster doesn’t scam you out of your rightful compensation.

  • Fastest PDR Services

It’s no secret that PDR shaves off days from any dent repair. It is a more advanced and innovative process that doesn’t need time to repaint body parts. However, extensive repairs like hail damage repair with PDR may take longer than usual.

Sioux Falls Dent Repair excels here because they ensure you get your car at the fastest possible time without compromising dent repair quality.

  • Immaculate PDR Results

Car owners in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are no different from car owners everywhere; they want the best dent repair results. They love Sioux Falls Dent Repair because their PDR results are immaculate and unparalleled.

Sioux Falls Dent Repair knows how to turn back time and bring your car back to its original form. Their skilled PDR-certified technicians are so good that you will forget where the damage was in the first place. Not even your insurance provider or car enthusiast friend will be able to tell that any repairs have been done.