You may have seen auto hail damage consisting of round dents covering a vehicle’s surface, but that is not the only kind of vehicle hail damage. Hail can come in many forms, and so can its damage. It’s important to be aware of the types of hail damage you can get as well as the best repair option for each type. Being knowledgeable about hail and vehicle hail damage repair can be useful in the long run if you are unlucky enough to be caught in a hailstorm.
There are four main types of hail damage. The two main dent categories of hail damage are cosmetic and severe. Within those categories, damage could either have cracked your paint or left it intact. The type of vehicle hail damage repairs your car needs will be based on the kind of damage it has accumulated.
Cosmetic damage with intact paint
Likely the most common form of hail damage, cosmetic damage with intact paint consist of many small, round dents on your metal panels with no damage to your finish or paint. Cosmetic damage merely impacts the surface of your vehicle but can take away from your car’s appearance and resale value. This kind of damage can be repaired with PDR because there are no paint scratches.
Cosmetic damage with scratched paint
This type of damage also only affects your car’s surface but cannot be repaired with PDR since it contains paint damage. Vehicle hail damage repair for cosmetic damage containing paint scratches could be traditional dent repair or remove and replace.
Severe damage with intact paint
Severe damage affects a car’s external and internal features, which can require more extensive repairs. Dents on the surface of your vehicle can be fixed with PDR because they do not contain paint damage, but any internal repairs will need to be fixed differently.
Severe damage with scratched paint
Because this is the most extreme type of hail damage, it will likely cost the most to fix. Dents with paint scratches cannot be repaired with PDR, so will have to be repaired with another form of dent removal. On top of that, any internal issues must be fixed to ensure your car’s ability to function safely.
The excellent auto body repair in Sioux Falls can help you get the quality vehicle repairs you’re looking for but it’s important to choose the dent repair method that’s right for you. Traditional auto body shops have their perks, but paintless dent repair is an excellent alternative to traditional repairs because it can offer benefits that other methods cannot. We’ve collected the top benefits of PDR over traditional repairs so you can see for yourself why PDR is the go-to method for dent removal in Sioux Falls.
Traditional auto body shops can get pricey while PDR stays affordable.
The steps involved in traditional repairs can make them more expensive than PDR, which has a shorter and less complicated process. The use of putty and paint can make traditional repairs costly. PDR doesn’t use either of these supplies. Rather, their process involves simple tools used to create pressure and work out dents.
Traditional repairs can leave you without transportation for weeks while PDR can take just a few hours.
The lengthy process of traditional repairs can take a long time. Depending on your dents, your repairs could even take weeks to complete. Paintless dent repair’s lack of paint use allows repairs to be done much more quickly, as there is no need for paint matching, painting, or drying time. Some dents can even be removed within hours.
Traditional repairs produce pollutants, while PDR does not.
The putty, primers, and paint used in traditional Sioux Falls auto body shops release pollutants into the air. In a time when our environment truly needs saving, PDR is one way you can help reduce pollution. PDR’s process of tools and pressure do not produce harmful gasses like the supplies used in traditional repairs.
With all these advantages, the appeal of paintless dent repair over traditional repairs is clear. It’s more affordable, faster, and better for the environment. Next time you’re in need of dent removal, look to Sioux Falls PDR technicians to give you the quality repairs you deserve.
Before a hail storm, there are several preventative measures you can take to minimize the damage to your vehicle. You can read up on prep before a hail storm here. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t so ‘fortunate’ or ‘lucky’ to have that kind of time to prepare. In the event that you are caught off guard by a hail storm seek immediate shelter and wait until it passes. Once it is clear you can begin gathering information for your insurance providers, and start search for Sioux Falls hail repair experts near you!
First, gather as much information as you can. Start by taking pictures of the damage. You’ll want to make sure everything is in clear lighting and easy to see. A little bit of dirt or glare can easily hide some pretty serious dings. Jot down other important info such as license plate numbers.
Next, call your insurance provider. Let them know the full extent of the damage, and provide them the pictures you took earlier. This will help you determine whether or not to file a claim. For instance, if the damage does not exceed your deductible limit then you will be charged the full amount for repairs. In some cases it may be best to forgo the claim.
Finally, the search for your perfect Sioux Falls hail repair team near you begins. Look for a company that is trustworthy and reliable. Word of mouth is going to be your best resource, but you can often find reviews online. As for the techs themselves, you should find someone that enjoys what they do. Otherwise they may neglect their equipment or be out of practice.
The Best Tech in Town
Sioux Falls Dent Repair provides professional quality dent removal services to residents near and around the Sioux Falls area. If you need dents, hail, or minor collision repair, we are the safest, fastest, and most affordable option available. You can schedule a free damage estimate with us today by calling 605-595-4061 or by filling out our online contact form!
When your car is struck by a stray shopping cart or nasty hail storm, you are left with a small reminder of that incident. This could be one or many dents of different shapes and sizes. Despite their humble demeanor, these small imperfections can have a serious and long lasting affect on the value of your car. However, over the last 10 years, automotive paints and metals have undergone many changes that make it very easy for technicians to work out minor dings without the need for replacing paint. Sioux Falls Paintless repair features many benefits now, such as:
Extremely fast turnarounds
No increased insurance rates
Affordable rates
No insurance claims
No Carfax reports
Quality Repairs for Life
With Sioux Falls paintless repair you no longer need to worry about week long wait times or shoddy repairs. Our work is guaranteed to last and we do it right. No more expensive rentals, scratched paint, or swirly finishes. Just you and your flawless finish.
We repair a variety of body damage ranging from simple dings to hail catastrophes. Our most frequently used services include:
Minor Collisions
Not all collisions require a trip to the body shop. Today, more and more drivers are switching to PDR for fender benders and bumper repair thanks to the amazingly low rates we offer. Any kind of minor vehicle damage can potentially be fixed with paintless repair. Just bring it to our Sioux Falls paintless repair shop, and we’ll give you a free estimate; or you can fill out this online form, and we will get back to you with a quote at our earliest availability.
Hail Storms
One of the worst disasters that could happen to your car is a nasty hail storm. They are relatively easy to avoid if you have a garage, but for those that aren’t so fortunate these tips might help. If you still find yourself caught in the thick of an icy downpour, then contact a paintless repair technician right away. We’ll give you a free estimate, and let you know if there is any serious threat such as exposed metal.
The most common source of minor body damage is simple accidents. This could be caused by somebody leaning on your hood, a stray shopping cart catching your bumper, or an oblivious passenger opening their door. They are among the most unpleasant annoyances a driver could face, but worst of all they are nearly impossible to avoid, since they are completely out of your control.
When it comes to body damage, dents are far from the worst the road has to offer. However, hail damage is an entirely different story. Nothing leaves such a recognizable trail of mayhem. If you have some hail damage that needs repairs then you may find yourself weighing some options.
Do It Yourself
DIY techniques have a bad history with Brandon hail damage repair technicians. Far too often we see customers bring in cars after a failed DIY attempt. They try fixing the dent themselves with some ice and a hair dryer at home only to move the dents around and crack the paint, causing further damage. Often, this makes PDR impossible to perform. Overall, we strongly disagree with do it yourself techniques. However, if you feel experienced enough then by all means, treat yourself to free repairs.
A Dent Kit
Now, there’s nothing wrong with purchasing a dent kit for practice. You can easily find a quality starter set of off-the-shelf tools for relatively cheap. The only problem is these tools won’t magically make you a PDR expert in an instant. It takes years of practice to understand and years more to perfect. Needless to say, don’t practice on your own vehicle. If you’re serious about learning PDR then consider getting an old clunker or some sheet metal to start practicing.
Professional Service
When it comes down to securing the resale value of your car hiring a professional is the safest way to go. Many bring their car to professionals so they don’t void the warranty on their vehicle. In many states where hail damage is common, PDR is actually the preferred method by most insurance companies. Our Brandon hail damage repair experts are extremely quick, offer affordable services, and rarely need to use paint. You can leave your car with a professional confident that it will receive the treatment it deserves.
Ultimately, you decide how your car is repaired. Will you risk your paint job and go with a DIY technique that is practically free? Or would you prefer to stick with the professionals and know that your car is in safe hands? If you still have second thoughts or aren’t sure your damage is eligible for PDR call us today at 605-595-4061 to learn more!