What Tool Is That? – Paintless Dent Repair Tools
What Tool Is That? – Paintless Dent Repair Tools
Today, we’re going to be looking at one of the PDR tools that was posted on the Instagram feed and we got a lot of questions about.
The tool itself can be separated into the handle and the main component called the Tequila Door Lord from Anson PDR. They are available in four (4) different sizes and do originally come with ratchet handles, however, the upgraded handle we use is a lot more comfortable and easier to work with.
The handle we use is called the Guerrilla Grip which is also from Anson PDR but was initially made by John Highly. It is a “T” handle design but can be disconnected and assembled as a longer handle if needed. Anson PDR does have other designs including a longer handle that comes fitted with a rubber ball at the end. The first time I got to use this handle was at the Dent Olympics Training Event this year at MTE. I actually used the Door Lord on the Mazda repair and people were asking me about it.