Does Car Insurance Cover Hail Damage? | Brandon Hail Damage Repair
The Dangerous Potential of Hail
Hail is one of the largest contributors of property damage in the U.S. It haunts every state in the country and causes nearly $1 billion in losses each year. It’s very possible you could return to a completely cratered car with broken glass and maybe even some internal damage. So, needless to say, you don’t want your vehicle to get caught in a hail storm. Unfortunately, the Midwestern United States experiences far more severe hail storms than any other part of the nation so totally avoiding it may not be an option. So what exactly are your options?
Brandon Hail Damage and Your Car Insurance
Your auto insurance policy determines what kinds of damage your vehicle is protected against. Generally speaking you’ll need comprehensive coverage if you want to be protected against most liability free causes. This includes, of course, hail damage as well as:
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Natural disaster
- Falling objects
- Fires
- Animals
If you take care of your car it will take care of you. We advocate for comprehensive coverage so much because dents and dings are really that serious. Exposed damage is the perfect host for rust and corrosion so make sure you can respond to hail as fast as you can with thorough protection.
Minimize Your Exposure to the Elements
The best way to protect your car against Brandon hail damage is to totally avoid it. A little bit of caution can go a long way. Try these helpful tips to protect your car during the next hail storm.
- If you are lucky enough to pass by covered parking or a garage then take advantage of it.
- Even if you can’t find covered parking pull over because it will reduce the hail’s impact.
- Invest in a car cover. They come in handy more than you think.
- Sheets, blankets, and pillows make great cushioning if you don’t have a car cover.
- If you don’t have a car cover and you don’t have blankets
These tips might not prevent all Brandon hail damage but they will certainly help. Now all that’s left is to take care of the stragglers. Call Sioux Falls Dent Repair today at 605-595-4061 and we’ll pop out those leftover dents no problem!