Motorcycle Paintless Dent Repair Tool Accessories
Motorcycle Paintless Dent Repair Tool Accessories
Today we are going to be checking out some of the accessories that fit onto the Motorcycle Tank Vice for motorcycle dent repair from Ultra Dent Tools that we discussed a few days ago. The first accessory that we’re going to be looking at is something that we use to protect the metal surrounding the gas filler opening. It is a simple plastic ring that drops into most of the motorcycle’s fuel tank openings. There is also a copper ball accessory that fits into the opening of the ring. The ball has a pivoting hole that allows a tool to slide through and then it can be locked in with an Allen Key. What this helps with is to keep the tool secure and allows you to put as much or as little leverage as is required to fix a dent in the tank without damaging or scratching the metal. Another helpful tool or tools is something that can keep the tank in place and secure it so that technicians can work on the tanks without worrying about it sliding or shifting around. It is quite difficult to explain most of these tools without having a tank to actually showcase them. When you’re working with motorcycles, you always have to make adjustments because every bike manufacturer is going to put something different on their bikes, so you always should have options to get the right fit for every model.
When installing a fuel tank onto the vice, we always have to make sure that we get a tight and secure fit so that we don’t get any slip-ups when pushing out a dent. Spacers are a great accessory to use when we need to get a snug fit for any type of tank and they come in all different sizes. Using plastic washers between the tank and any other metal (washers, nuts, screws, etc.) ensures that we don’t scratch up the original paint work or damage the metal on the tank or panel that we are working on.
A product that has really come in handy for most of the motorcycle vice accessories is a box that I purchased from Walmart which is more commonly used for separating fishing equipment. It has enough space to store the smallest accessories without getting them mixed up with the other accessories. If and when we get a motorcycle tank to work on, I can explain and demonstrate how these accessories and tools work in reality – so stay alert for that.
If you have questions or queries, leave them down in the comments section below and we’ll be happy to get back to you.
You can also call or text us directly on 605-250-1023 or Click Here to start the repair process now!