What Happens When I Have a Dent Repair Done?

What Happens When I Have a Dent Repair Done?

What Happens When I Have a Dent Repair Done?


Paintless Dent Repair or PDR is one of the most common and easy methods of dent repair. This method was developed by technicians to make fixing some of the more common problems in auto-vehicle repair easy. It’s a fairly simple process, but customers rarely have information regarding it which makes them skeptical of the entire process. Today, we will break down the process so that the next time you require dent repair, you’re not confused regarding the process at all.


What Are the Steps to PDR?

PDR is a relatively simple process, and most technicians break it down into three main steps that have various degrees of complication depending on the type of dents incurred on the car’s body.

1. Estimation  

The technicians will examine the car’s body and configure the number of dents and identify the dents they can apply PDR on. They also take this time to understand the time and cost for the repair so they can present this estimate to the customers.

2. Repair 

 The technicians will conduct the repairs according to the problem that they’ve identified. Each repair is different, and the technicians plan the work according to each repair.

3. Results 

Technicians will bring in the customers so they’re aware of the aesthetics and functionality of the vehicle after their repairs. This is a time for the customer to voice any issues or concerns regarding the repairs conducted by the technicians.

Types of Techniques Used by a PDR Technician 

PDR technicians don’t just use one method to fix a customer’s car. There are two main techniques that most PDR technicians apply depending on the leverage they wish to create for the dent. The technique that they use depends largely on the position and depth of the dent. Sometimes, it’s easy to pull out a dent using one method instead of the other. Other times, it’s up to the technician’s discretion.

We have listed the two techniques below:

1) PDR using Metal Contact

The most common method of PDR is using metal rods and body picks. Technicians use this method to pop out the dent from the underside of the body’s panel.  This method is easier to orchestrate for many as there’s not a great degree of leverage that one needs to work on the panel’s underside.

2) PDR using Glue Pull Repair 

Glue Pull Repair or GPR works by pulling out the outer panel of the car’s body.  Technicians use glue and specially designed glue tabs to create an outward pull to pop out the dent. Technicians have to be very careful of the temperatures of the glue and the panel so that nothing goes awry.

Benefits of Repairing Dents at Sioux Falls Dent Repair

Here, at Sioux Falls Dent Repair, we have ARC-certified technicians for PDR and hail damage. Our main goal is to take care of you and ensure that your car gets the best service it needs. Once your car is in our body shop, you can stop worrying about it. 

We promise you clear communication, so you know everything we’re conducting on your car and ensure you’ll get your car looking as good as new.

For more information regarding PDR, visit us at www.siouxfallsdentrepair.com, or contact us at 605-205-8842.

Dent Repair on Your EV with an IMI Accredited Technician is a Must

Dent Repair on Your EV with an IMI Accredited Technician is a Must

Dent Repair on Your EV with an IMI Accredited Technician is a Must


Your electric vehicle is less likely to get into accidents because of all the computerized sensors it has. However, accidents don’t always occur when the car’s on the road. Sometimes, they can occur even when you’re car is carefully parked in the driveway. Dent and dings on electric vehicles hurt your wallet a lot more than dents on a normal car. What’s more concerning is that there are very few auto-repair shops with IMI accredited technicians to help your electric vehicle.

Read on as we tell you how you can save money on dent repair through paintless dent repair and why IMI accredited technicians are the best choice for you. 

What Is PDR? 

Paintless Dent Repair or PDR is a non-invasive method of fixing dents and dings on your electric vehicle. It’s a method that auto-technicians prefer due to the ease with which they can do it. It doesn’t involve any extra paint or extra material, which is why it’s so popular. It doesn’t involve any cutting or scrapping of metal and thus saves both you and the auto-technicians a significant amount of time.

How Does it Work?  

The PDR process is fairly simple. You bring the car into the auto-shop. Your accredited IMI technician will look at the dent or dent if they’re more than one to assess how many of them, they can perform PDR on. They will then give you an estimate based on this assessment. After you’ve consented to the estimate and the procedure, the certified technician will get to work. The procedure involves the use of special tools and techniques acquired through years of experience to pop out the dents on the body of your electric vehicle. Once they’ve done this, they further look into the body of the vehicle to ensure that they’re not missing anything. Once they’ve done this, you can pay and have your car back in your garage. 

Benefits of PDR

There are many advantages to this process, and we have listed some of them below: 

1. It helps retain your car’s value

Paintless Dent Repair doesn’t involve any extra material, which means that your car’s value will not depreciate based on this procedure. 

2. Insurance companies cover PDR.

Your electric vehicle is already going to be heavy on your wallet for other reasons. Since insurance companies cover PDR, you don’t have to worry about paying for this procedure out of your wallet.

3. They’re environmentally friendly

Paintless Dent Repair doesn’t involve any wastage by scrapping material. It doesn’t use paint which means that no harmful chemicals are released into the environment.

Why Choose Sioux Falls Dent Repair for Your EV needs?

Sioux Falls has IMI accredited technicians who have years of experience with electric vehicles. We have worked on the bodies of cars like Tesla Model 3, Tesla Model X, Nissan Leaf, Audi e-Tron, or EV Ford Mustang.

You must take your electric vehicle to certified IMI accredited technicians for many reasons. We have listed a few of them below: 

1. It’ll cost you less

IMI accredited technicians know what they’re doing and thus are likely to botch the job.

2. You’ll get quality of service.

IMI accredited technicians train for years so that they can achieve finesse, you’ll get the best work possible.

3. They are reliable.

 Since they’re accredited and claim to be too, they’re held to a higher standard. This standard means that you can rely on them to put the best work forward.

Here at Sioux Falls Dent Repair, our main priority is the customer. Don’t believe us?  Come on down to our shop and let us sort you out.

For more information regarding PDR, visit us at www.siouxfallsdentrepair.com, or contact us at 605-205-8842




Restoring Your Car Quickly from Hail Damage with PDR

Restoring Your Car Quickly from Hail Damage with PDR

Restoring Your Car Quickly from Hail Damage with PDR


As summer rolls in, there are more people and cars in town than in another season. Kids are off from school, and most convince their parents to drive them around so they can enjoy the warm weather  as well as people traveling or roadtripping. With the greater number of people outside, how can you protect your car from getting dings and dents in the summer

How to Protect Your Car From Dents In The Summer 

Be Wary of Kids

If the kids in your neighborhood are coming out of their homes to play ball and drive around on their bikes and skateboards, you may want to move your car out of the street and into the garage. You’re eliminating the likelihood of a speeding child on a bike hurting themselves against your car or even just damaging your car.

Empty Your Garage

If you choose to park your car in the garage, make sure that the garage itself doesn’t have objects that may cause dents and dings on your car. If your kid has a bike in the garage, make sure it’s further away from yours, so they don’t cause any crease dents using the handlebars. Also ensure that there are no boxes that can topple and cause harm..

Take Care When Parking 

Summers are a time where the parking lots are always overflowing with people. Make sure that you park away from the rest of the cars. This way, you can get in a walk and also avoid any dent in your car.

What if I Still Get Dents in the Summer

After taking all the necessary precautions, you still get a dent in your car, do not worry. Get it to the auto shop as quickly as you can. They will likely fix it using Paintless Dent Repair, and you can be well on your way home before dinner. But be very sure to fix the dent as quickly as possible; if you delay it, the following things might happen.

1) There May Be Further Damage

Further damage could occur due to the dent already being a tender spot on the vehicle’s body. If this area receives a softer blow in this spot, it is likely it will cave in further and cause permanent damage to the car. 

2) There May Be Weathering 

If you let the dent fester, water or air may wear it down, leading to rusting. Rusting annihilates the panel of the body, and you will have to replace it. 

3) It Will Cost You More 

As a result of the two reasons mentioned above, the damage will increase to the point that waiting around will cost you more money than just getting it fixed as soon as the problem arises. 

Why PDR Is the Best Method for Repairing Dings

  1. It is less costly
  2. It is non-invasive
  3. It saves time 
  4. It is environmentally friendly.

Why You Should Use Sioux Falls Dent Repair Services

Here at Sioux Falls, we have a great team of certified technicians with years of experience in PDR. We provide a very convenient service which means you will only have to come into our garage a few times. We aim to provide the best service for you and make sure that you have a great experience with us.

For more information on Paintless Dent Repair or to get a quote, Click Here!




Restoring Your Car Quickly from Hail Damage with PDR

How to Protect Your Car from Dents This Summer

How to Protect Your Car from Dents This Summer


As summer rolls in, there are more people and cars in town than in another season. Kids are off from school, and most convince their parents to drive them around so they can enjoy the warm weather  as well as people traveling or roadtripping. With the greater number of people outside, how can you protect your car from getting dings and dents in the summer

How to Protect Your Car From Dents In The Summer 

Be Wary of Kids

If the kids in your neighborhood are coming out of their homes to play ball and drive around on their bikes and skateboards, you may want to move your car out of the street and into the garage. You’re eliminating the likelihood of a speeding child on a bike hurting themselves against your car or even just damaging your car.

Empty Your Garage

If you choose to park your car in the garage, make sure that the garage itself doesn’t have objects that may cause dents and dings on your car. If your kid has a bike in the garage, make sure it’s further away from yours, so they don’t cause any crease dents using the handlebars. Also ensure that there are no boxes that can topple and cause harm..

Take Care When Parking 

Summers are a time where the parking lots are always overflowing with people. Make sure that you park away from the rest of the cars. This way, you can get in a walk and also avoid any dent in your car.

What if I Still Get Dents in the Summer

After taking all the necessary precautions, you still get a dent in your car, do not worry. Get it to the auto shop as quickly as you can. They will likely fix it using Paintless Dent Repair, and you can be well on your way home before dinner. But be very sure to fix the dent as quickly as possible; if you delay it, the following things might happen.

1) There May Be Further Damage

Further damage could occur due to the dent already being a tender spot on the vehicle’s body. If this area receives a softer blow in this spot, it is likely it will cave in further and cause permanent damage to the car. 

2) There May Be Weathering 

If you let the dent fester, water or air may wear it down, leading to rusting. Rusting annihilates the panel of the body, and you will have to replace it. 

3) It Will Cost You More 

As a result of the two reasons mentioned above, the damage will increase to the point that waiting around will cost you more money than just getting it fixed as soon as the problem arises. 

Why PDR Is the Best Method for Repairing Dings

  1. It is less costly
  2. It is non-invasive
  3. It saves time 
  4. It is environmentally friendly.

Why You Should Use Sioux Falls Dent Repair Services

Here at Sioux Falls, we have a great team of certified technicians with years of experience in PDR. We provide a very convenient service which means you will only have to come into our garage a few times. We aim to provide the best service for you and make sure that you have a great experience with us.

For more information on Paintless Dent Repair or to get a quote, CLICK HERE!




Fender Dents Removal with Paintless Dent Repair

Fender Dents Removal with Paintless Dent Repair

Fender Dents Removal with Paintless Dent Repair


So you lost control of your car in the rain and now have a big dent in your fender? Don’t worry. Fender dents are one of the most common dents any car has, and your auto-technician has probably seen many not much different from yours. 

However, these dents can be fixed easily using Paintless Dent Repair, and it’s probably best that you ask for that procedure from the get-go. If your auto-technician doesn’t suggest this independently, you might want to get a new one.

What Is Paintless Dent Repair?

Paintless Dent Repair is the easiest and least invasive method of fixing dents on your automobile. Paintless dent repair can remove any dents, dings, or creases, usually without harming the body or paint-job of your car. This type of dent repair is inexpensive and more quick and efficient than other dent repair methods.

Paintless Dent Repair for Fender Dents

The fender is the special strip of metalwork that surrounds the hollow of the wheel. It is the piece of metal between the front door and the front bumper. Additionally, it is one of the most common places where dents arise. Certified technicians can fix these dents easily as there’s a place for the technician to grip the metal and pull it outwards naturally.  They use special tools, and their experience allows them to do this effectively without harming the material.

Why You Shouldn’t Attempt Fender Dents Removal With Paintless Dent Repair On Your Own


1. You Don’t Have the Tools 

A lot of videos posted online by random people will have you believe that you can fix fender dents on your own, but the tools they have to DIY it will likely cause more harm than good. 

2. You Don’t Have the Expertise

Let’s say you get one of those kits that tell you that you can attempt PDR yourself, and now you have the tools you need. You still might not be able to get great or even satisfactory results because you don’t have the expertise or an understanding of how the metal structure of a fender works. You also have to understand that the fender is a significant portion of the metal, and it takes a lot of strength and technique to fix it adequately. 

3. It Will Likely Cost You More

The best thing you can do when a fender dent arises is to take it to the auto shop right away. If you attempt to do anything else, you might make an easy job more difficult. This act is likely to take the technician more time to fix and thus cost you more. 

4. You’ll Damage the Dent Further

If you try to fix the dent incorrectly and use too much or too little force, you are likely to deform the body and crack the body paint rendering any other attempts at PDR useless. 


Why You Should Choose Sioux Falls for All Your PDR Needs

Here, at Sioux Falls Dent Repair, we have certified technicians who have years of experience in Paintless Dent Repair. We work day and night to ensure that your car is in the best hands and that you leave our shop feeling satisfied with our service. To get an estimate or even some advice, please get in touch with us at 605-205-8332 or visit us at www.siouxfallsdentrepair.com