Can dents in Classic Vehicles be fixed using Paintless Dent Repair?
Check out this damage we repair on this 1957 Chevy Pickups hood. We not only fix new vehicles but old classic vehicles as well! This vehicle sits recently restored at a local body shop in Tea, South Dakota. This body shop took the truck to another repair shop to have some work done to it but when the vehicle came back it had a dent on the hood!
We Come To You!
The shop called us and we repaired the damage right away for them at their location. We removed this damage out without the shop having to repaint this newly painted hood. This is a huge bonus for them! This not only saves them money but time!
Paintless dent repair is a non-invasive form of body repair that revolves around pushing or pulling dents to restore the surface of your car to its original state. It may sound barbaric to force the metal back into shape, but it’s proven to yield safer results than many traditional body shop methods. As a matter of fact, this is the same repair process Natallio Balderamma brought over from Italy when he first founded Dent Wizard in 1983.
What’s stopping me from simply taking a hammer to my own car?
‘Do it Yourself’ is a one way street to complete catastrophe. We’ve seen far too many DIY disasters at our Harrisburg paintless dent repair shop to confidently suggest that you fix your own damage. However, if you happen to be skilled in body repair then there is nothing stopping you. Just remember that quick repairs and affordable rates are just a phone call away. So what makes our service different from simply pushing the dent out yourself?
What equipment does our Harrisburg paintless dent repair crew use?
Our technicians use specialized tools and equipment to get the job done. Most of our supplies look a lot like solid metal hammers and nails, but they have a very different use. With a hammer, you want to drive the nail into whatever material you are striking; our tools are specifically designed to avoid that. Instead, we use specially crafted tips with varying sharpness and material to bend the metal panels back into place. The last thing we want is a chip or a scratch on your flawless paint job.
PDR techs have a variety of other tools at their disposal. Some of the most common are glue tabs and slide hammers. Glue tabs are used to pull out dents rather than push them. We have several different mixtures that we use depending on the paint, metal, and even factors like the temperature outside. Slide hammers are used to gain access to otherwise unreachable dents. Say you have a nasty door ding; we can simply insert one of our slide hammers into the window slit to access the backside of the dent and push it back into place.
Even if you look up professional methods, DIY is not the professional way to handle dents and dings. There are many alternative tools and methods that can easily be obtained or researched, but for the most part they are only shoddy replacements for the real deal. If you need quality repairs, fast results, and honest rates, then our Harrisburg paintless dent repair crew is the choice for you.
A pickup box side or also called bedside damage is very common if you use your pickup truck for work or hauling. It’s common for the top upper parts of the bedside to be damaged and to show waves like this seen here in the video. We can remove this type of damage using the Paintless Dent Repair method. With this method of repair, we use specialized tools to slowly massage this damage out from the backside. On bedsides it is common to gain access through the tail light area or to pull a bed cap or cover off(on the top part of the bed) and gain access though there.
All of this damage was repaired at a local body shop for their customer. This type of repair can take a couple hours vs a couple days at a body shop. This gets the customer back on the road the same day and with no repaint of their panel, this saves them for a negative history report on Carfax as well as diminished resale value. So if you have damage in your vehicle that you would like fixed using the Paintless Dent Repair method give us a call!
Today we are working on this all aluminum 2017 Ford F-250 Tailgate. One unknown fact to most people is aluminumisrepairable using paintless dent repair. One thing most people don’t know is that it is much HARDER to not only repair but to also dent as well. When compared to the same dent in steel vs aluminum the damage will be extremely different from the same impact.
In order to gain access to this damage we pulled the top tailgate cap off. This is the upper black trim pad on the top of the tailgate. We also had to pull the inner tailgate trim piece for access as well. After these items are out of the way we then have very good access to push this damage out with our tools.
Can damage in body lines be fixed using the Paintless Dent Repair method?
The answer to that question is, Yes.
Today we are working on this 2017 Chevy Camaro. There are multiple extra special steps we have to take when repairing body line damage. So just because one technician or company says it cannot be done is not necessarily always the case. The damage here is an example of extreme damage on a body line. Here is what the damage looks like under a paintless dent repair light.
Here is some footage mid way through the repair. As you can see we’ve got the body line generally back up into its original spot here. We’ve got a bunch of crown work. It’s a very slow process but we are getting it out. Now for access we are actually fortunate enough to where there is a factory access hole here. We removed a small cover and gain all of the access we need with our tools to push this damage out.
The Grand Finale
We were able to get that body line back out to its original shape without damaging the paint. Luckily this car had absolutely awesome access for where this damage was with the big factory hole we showed you earlier. The majority of this damage, was actually removed by glue pulling. For this we are actually gluing a tab onto the vehicle and pulling the damage out.
Here is a look at the finished results with a paintless dent repair light, it shows a little bit more detail. You can see we were able to get all of that damage out very nicely. Stay tuned in just a second here we’ve got the customers reaction to the repair.
“So this is my Camaro I brought into Jack, had a horrible dent in the rear quarter. This is actually the third car I’ve had Jack fix for me. A lot of people said that there was no way anyone could even get this out, I’d have to go to a body shop to get repainted, I didn’t want to do that. Jack of course he is a magician with this stuff, he got it out and you cannot even tell at all that there was ever a dent there whatsoever. The other two cars I had, same thing, I brought them here and they look like they had just rolled off the showroom floor. I would highly recommend Jack, I would never take my car anywhere else but him if I have a dent in it. He’s great at what he does and I highly recommend him.”
If you’ve got damage in your vehicle give us a call CLICK HERE to call