There are many different forms of hail repair, and some may be better than others when it comes to your repair needs. Traditional hail repair, remove and replace, and paintless dent repair are all commonly used methods of hail repair in Sioux Falls. Today, we wanted to focus on traditional hail repair.
What Are Traditional Repairs Like?
Traditional hail repair is easy to come by, but it’s not the ideal form of dent repair in many cases. This method of Sioux Falls hail repair has auto technicians sand down your dent to prepare it for the process, feathering the paint as they do so. Then, the dent is filled with putty, also known as a filler, to smooth out the dent and blend it with the rest of the body panel. Finally, the putty is painted over to remove signs of repair.
The Benefits of PDR
One of the major problems with fillers is that they create the appearance of true repair without actual repairs being done. Rather than being removed completely as is done in paintless dent repair, dents are filled in and covered up. Due to this, traditional hail repair is usually less durable than paintless dent repair.
PDR has traditional hail repair beat financially, too. Traditional hail repair shows up on service reports, while PDR does not. Your car’s resale value can decrease based on any service it’s had done. Plus, PDR is naturally less expensive than traditional hail repair in Sioux Falls.
Fillers do work for hail repair, but you won’t get the best value for your money. The best repair method is definitely PDR. Traditional repair methods and PDR both result in a smooth car exterior, but PDR repairs can better stand the test of time. Instead of choosing traditional hail repair, look into Sioux Falls PDR. It’s a more affordable process that will give you more in the long run.
Did you know that dents in the body line of a car can be repaired using Paintless Dent Repair. Even at the depth of this dent shown. In his Repair of the Week, a customer from the Sioux Falls area dropped a 2017 Chevrolet Malibu in at the shop. It had a sizable dent in the left quarter panel directly above the wheel. The customer did not know how the damage occurred. They just noticed it when they came out to the parking lot at school and saw it. Access to this damage is very limited. The tail light pocket and trunk area access is minimal. The majority of the repair was done through glue pulling.
So how did the repair go?
One of the biggest challenges in this repair was that there was a small paint crack. This paint damage area which would remain even after the dent was removed. After informing the customer that the shop would not be liable if the paint was to be pulled off. They were understanding and knew this was still the best choice for them. The customer seemed more concerned about not having the car painted.
The body line took a major hit and severe crowning (this is displaced metal that is raised up above the dent) is visible above the impact area. The crowning or raised area, is one of the biggest factors in settling on a pricing structure. Other factors such as whether the bumper needed to come off or not, and whether the tail light needed to be removed to gain access. Did you know in order to remove the tail light on this vehicle the bumper needs to be removed first? Fortunately, the inner trunk trim was the only thing removed for the repair work.
Before starting the repairs, the customer was made aware that if these extra parts had to be removed, the cost of the repair would increase. We even make sure to give them an exact dollar amount if this is the case. As always we always make sure to disclose the customer with this info before starting the repair.
About the Minor Paint Fracture
Customers facing the same dent related problems should know that for minor fractures in the paint work, paintless dent repair is still the best option. The repair is faster when compared to a body shop. There is no diminished resale value or negative carfax history report when going with paintless dent repair. Why is this such a problem? Because when you go to sell the vehicle, a negative carfax report and repainted panels greatly diminish the vehicles resale value. With Paintless Dent Repair this dent was removed and the car was handed over on the same day, a body shop would have taken 5 or more days because they would have painted the quarter panel, removed the tail light and bumper, removed components from the left door and painted it. They would also charged the customer significantly more than this paintless repair cost.
I have similar damage, how can I contact you?
If you have any dent damage that needs repairs in the Sioux Falls area, contact Sioux Falls Dent Repair by calling or texting 605-595-4061.
Have you ever experienced the frustration of finding a fresh dent on your flawless vehicle? For car lovers everywhere this is a week ruiner in the making. Chances are the first solution that comes to mind is getting an estimate from a body shop. But before you go out and finalize your decision consider the benefits of choosing a paintless solution from our Sioux Falls body repair team.
Qualifications for PDR
Paintless dent repair can only be done if the dent:
• Is minor. For example, hood dents, door dings, or fender benders.
• Is not located on the edges of the car.
• Has not compromised the paint finish of your car.
The Sioux Falls Body Repair Process
Paintless dent removal is a fairly simple process for our Sioux Falls body repair team. We begin by isolating the dent, depending on where it’s located of course. This usually means removing some panels so we can access the back of the damage. Then the technicians gently push the dent back into place while being careful not to over extend it. This can cause the metal to stretch and requires a steady hand to avoid.
Benefits of Paintless Dent Repair
PDR has many benefits. Here are a few of its highlights.
1. Cost Effective
Hail and other minor inconveniences can end up costing a fortune to repair. Luckily, PDR is the most affordable method of removing dents.
The paintless dent repair process is very fast so it ends up costing less.
PDR does not require anything beyond the talent and tools of our Sioux Falls body repair experts so there is no added material cost.
2. Time Saving
Time is money. Most adults are busy people. Minor dents may take up to several weeks if you choose traditional methods. However, PDR takes a short time to carry out.
It only takes the technicians few hours to repair the dent thus enabling you to continue with your day-to-day operations.
Traditional dent repair may take many days and even weeks thereby inconveniencing the owner of the car
3. Environment Friendly
Paintless dent removal doesn’t use any of the toxic chemicals found in traditional methods.
This prevents air pollution and harmful runoff.
4. Original Car Quality Restored
In most cases, repainting one part of your car will result in uneven color distribution. You probably don’t want your car to look like a leopard (unless that’s what you’re going for) so paintless dent repair has been designed to keep your factory finish intact. Sioux Falls Dent Repair uses non-invasive tools and techniques to restore the body of your car, so your paint job remains completely unaffected. This way you get to maintain your maximum resale value.