Paintless Dent Repair Tools We Use
Paintless Dent Repair Tools We Use
Our Cart Setup
The back side of our TDN Tool cart is filled with more paintless dent repair tools. These are tools we might use slightly less but are still needed very often. Starting from the left hand side we have an entire tool tray full of Dent Craft whale tails. These tools work specifically between bracing. This tray features multiple different lengths and widths of whale tail style tools.
On To More Tools
Moving to the next tray this one has our go to door tools on it. These are made up of PDR Finesse tools with their ratchet style handles. Featuring a shorter door tool, a longer version (not shown) and a flag style tool seen with tessa tape on the tip. We also have a PDR Finesse double bend tool with an interchangeable tip. The tip on this tool is available from Dead on Dent Tools and it features a red cherry cap available from Dent Craft.
But Wait There Is More
Finishing up on this tray is the Ultra Dent Tools and their Pick tools. These are sharper tools that have and work especially great on Aluminum panels.
Want To Learn More?
This video was originally shot LIVE on our Instagram page on 10-13-2020, be sure to follow us there to see more content: https://www.instagram.com/sioux_falls_dent_repair
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